
NORWICH COURT Apartments STUDIO, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments and townhomes. Call for availability 607-334-6611.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

FORT PLAIN 2 plus bedrooms plus garage, refrigerator and stove included $1,200 plus. 518-301-5739.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

EARLVILLE, in the village. Large 2 bedroom, upstairs apartment with washer/dryer hook up, $900 monthly plus utilities. 1 month rent plus 1 month security. Smoke free, no pets. References a must. 718-698-0919 or
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

SIDNEY: Tri-Town & Valley View Apartments: 1&2 bedroom apartments; heat, hot water, garbage removal, appliances included. Security, credit check required, 8am-7pm, 607-245-9251.
Norwich Pennysaver

SHERBURNE APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM, second floor, close to everything, beautiful building and a nice apartment. Includes heat, electric, water, off street parking and garbage. $900 a month and security required. Smoke free, no pets call 607-674-4444 or 315-750-6575 (cell).

Norwich Pennysaver

2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Historical Restored Carriage House. Cobleskill convenient Village location. Off Street parking. $900.00 plus utilities. Call 518-234-4650.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

1 BEDROOM APT in center of Richfield Springs $600 Monthly Plus $600 Security Deposit Nothing included except for water and sewer No pets and no smoking Call or text 518-284-1119
Turnpike Pennysaver

OXFORD: THREE bedroom renovated apartment. All utilities included. Non-smoking. Washer & dryer. Pets allowed on a case by case basis. $1450. per month 845-467-2017.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

NORWICH & OXFORD 1-2 bedroom renovated apartments. Non-smoking, all utilities included. Landlord references, credit and income verification required. Pets allowed on case by case basis. $875-$1250. Call 845-467-2017.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

OXFORD: THREE bedroom renovated apartment. All utilities included. Non-smoking. Washer & dryer. Pets allowed on a case by case basis. $1450. per month 845-467-2017.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

HANDYMAN HELP in exchange for free room rent in Walton, NY. Help with housecleaning, taking care of chickens. For more information call 607-314-1365.
Norwich Pennysaver

RESPONSIBLE ADULT is seeking first floor studio apartment in Sidney for $450 per month, text or leave message, 607-434-8242.
Norwich Pennysaver

CANAJOHARIE: Downstairs apartment comes with one car garage and driveway parking for two vehicles. Front entrance with patio 12x12, attached porch covered 16x5, and storage shed 7x5x6. 4 rooms, 1-2 bedrooms. Also includes shared laundry room. Heat, water, electricity included. Landlord available 24/7. Rent is $1,200 each month. References required. Call/text 518-848-4752.
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FORT PLAIN one room duplex in quiet two family house. Private entrance, parking, quiet setting. Non smoking, no pets. Reduced rent in exchange for yard work. $650/month plus all utilities 646-659-3354.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

Canajoharie: Downstairs apartment comes with one car garage and driveway parking for two vehicles. Front entrance. with a patio 12x12, attached porch covered 16x5, and storage shed 7x5x6. 4 rooms, 1-2 bedrooms. Also includes shared laundry room. Heat, water, electricity included. Landlord available 24/7. Rent is $1,200. Each month. References required. Call/text 518-848-4752
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

COBLESKILL VILLAGE, 2 Bedroom apartment, non-smoking/no pets for rent. Heat/hot water included, off street parking, laundry facility on site. $975/month, security/first month rent and references required. 518-234-7604 Cobleskill Village, 2 Bedroom apartment, non-smoking/no pets for rent. Heat/hot water included, off street parking, laundry facility on site. $970/month, security/first month rent and references required. 518-234-7604.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

STUDIO APARTMENT, Route 20, Sloansville, $475 + utilities, Call 518-231-2694.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper