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YORK RAKE MODEL RW 7' like new, used twice, Cat 1, 3 point hitch. $2200 firm 607-316-0293.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

EQUIPMENT WANTED: buying farm and construction equipment of all kinds. One piece or multiples at a time. Renwick’s Equipment, 607-287-8307
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

NEW 25 BUSHEL ground driven manure spreaders. In stock. Also custom orders. Wanted McCormick #4 hay mowers, NI #10 manure spreaders. Kuhns' MFG and Repair, 229 Meadow Lane, West Winfield, NY 13491.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

WANTED TO BUY: Tractors, any condition. I pay cash. James MacFadden Jr. 518-284-2090
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

LOGS/TIMBER BAILLIE LUMBER CO., buyer of hardwood & veneer logs, standing timber. Smyrna Sawmill, 607-627-6547. Year round purchaser of roadside logs. Immediate payment and trucking available. Call Sean Karn 315-436-3588 or email at

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

HAY FOR SALE: 4x4 round bales, wrapped and also dry, stored inside, starting at $25. Call 607-643-1619.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

HAY FOR SALE: Large square bales. All first cutting, kept under cover and unprocessed. Please call for price and delivery or pick up arrangements. 518-231-8401 and ask for Ken.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

WE BUY FARM machinery. One piece or full line. Frank Walker, Inc. 607-829-5172 website:
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

OUR 1 PRICE IS YOUR BEST PRICE! YOU'LL FIND a great selection of new and preowned vehicles at the best price. Find your next car, SUV or truck at Matthews Ford. More. Every way. Every day. 175 E. Main St. Norwich across from Chenango County Fairgrounds, 607-334-3273, Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm; Friday 9am to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 4pm.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

POLE BARN PACKAGES, metal roofing & siding. Great prices. Best in the area! Homeowners & contractors welcome. Mountaintop Enterprises, 2726 State Hwy. 7, Bainbridge, NY, 607-967-4877.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

SHOP LOCAL- IT MATTERS SUPPORT YOUR local businesses. Thank you for dining and shopping locally. Your support has never been more important to our community businesses. Thank you.

Schoharie Valley MyShopper

HAY FOR SALE. 4x5 wrapped round bale, $25 per bale, loaded. Call 518-238-5140.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

KUBOTA 1630 tractor with loader. Four wheel drive. Needs work. $1595 or best offer call 631-742-8458.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

4x4 ORGANIC ROUND bales, $15 and up, out of the field, delivery extra, call 518-420-6527.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

KENS BARBER SHOP FOR SALE: one big leg horned rooster, 9 months old, $25. Four musvocy drake ducks, 10 months old, all big great for breeding or eating, $25 each. 10 guinea hens, born July 24, 2024, $25 each. Call Kens barber shop 607-965-7980.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

PROCESSING Now Booking Appointments for Hog & Beef Processing. 607-847-8234.

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

FOR SALE: HOLSTIEN Jersey cross bagging heifers. S185 Bobcat skid-steer, Patz barn cleaner HD unit, chain. 2" Delaval receiver jar. Wanted forage wagon 315-337-1499
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

HAY FOR SALE IN SHERBURNE, NY. Dry round bales $20 a piece. Small square bales $2.75 a piece. 315-273-9414.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

HAY EARLVILLE: Dry 4 x 4 first cutting $30 per bale. Baleage 4 x 4 1st and 2nd cutting $25-$40 per bale. Call 315-691-4806 or 315-351-6501.

Norwich Pennysaver

Wanted: Massey Ferguson MF41 Dyna Balance three point hitch sickle bar mower for parts. 518-258-8389
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

8 TOULOUSE GOSLINGS for sale. About 3-4 weeks old. $20 each or best offer. 607-693-1361 leave message.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

TRACTOR WANTED 35 TO 50 HP and loader, 4 wheel drive. 607-263-5506.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

ROUND PEN for horses, 62 ft. in diameter with gate $1,600. Call 315-717-8414.
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FARM FRESH EGGS large, x-large, jumbo brown, white, Easter colors. $4 dozen mixed sizes, colors. Fertilized $15 dozen. 607-334-8372.
Norwich Pennysaver

1ST CUTTING HAY 4x5 round bales outside $10 per bale. Grassy 2nd cutting 4x5 bales under cover $40 per bale, no trucking, 607-547-5804.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

1st Cutting Square Bales
Never wet/rained on made w/New Holland balers. Barn stored, Not certified, but follow organic practices $5/bale 100+ bales $3/each call/text: 607-373-7128 Sherburne

Norwich Pennysaver

DO YOU OWN WOODED ACREAGE? Most Hardwoods and select evergreens are bringing top dollar at the local mills. No acreage too large or small. Call Me for a free walk thru and evaluation of your woods. Most of the time an estimate of the value of your woods can be given at the time of the walk thru. If hired the logging will be done by Amish loggers. Light Construction and handyman service available. Thank you in advance for your consideration in calling me. (H)-607-783-2909 (C) 516-510-0838

Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

WANTED: Your unwanted farm animals, chickens, geese, ducks, roosters, goats, sheep, etc. Please call for fast and friendly service. 607-373-1741.
Norwich Pennysaver

CHICKENS/POULTRY Cornish Cross Broilers, pick up Schoharie, $1.40 each, mail to post office $2.10 each, free shipping. 17 week old vaccinated pullets, mid August. 2025 catalog available. Call 518-231-3858 or email

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

BLACK LOCUST fence posts for sale. Delivery available locally. Call 607-783-2787.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

1st Cutting Square Bales
Never wet/rained on made w/New Holland balers. Barn stored, Not certified, but follow organic practices $5/bale 100+ bales $3/each call/text: 607-373-7128 Sherburne

Norwich Pennysaver

Hay For Sale: Large square bales. All first cutting, kept under cover and unprocessed. Please call for price and delivery or pick up arrangements. 518 231 8401 and ask for Ken
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FIRST CUTTING square hay bales. Good grass and Timothy bales, never wet, good for horses & cattle. Easy to load. $3 bale. Pick up at farm, Plymouth, NY. 315-837-4331.
Norwich Pennysaver