
FREE DELIVERY- Firewood. Mixed Hardwood Seasoned $300 per cord. 607-652-9018. All of Schoharie County.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FIREWOOD SEASONED ASH firewood, $70 a face cord. For delivery negotiable on milage and quantity. Scott Price 607-316-5724.

Norwich Pennysaver

HUSKY 350 chainsaw $250 call 631-742-8458.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale $60 a face cord 607-967-8387.
Norwich Pennysaver

TRAILERS - Dump, Landscape, Equipment Cargo, Utility, in stock, great selection. Call for information. North Norwich Motors & Trailer Sales, Route 12, North Norwich, NY. 607-334-6956.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

OVER TWO FACE cord, ash, split $150 631-742-8458.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

SEASONED FIREWOOD $90 a face cord. Full cords available. Delivery available & charge based on distance. Call 518-332-2892.
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

SEASONED FIREWOOD $65 per facecord. Pick up at 718 State Highway 8, West Edmeston 13485.
Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

Green firewood for next year’s burning season. $65/facecord. Free local delivery. Please call or text 3153600997

Turnpike Pennysaver

For sale: 3-point hitch wood splitter, needs hoses. $425. Call or leave message. (315) 858-9634.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

8 FACECORD SEASONED firewood $400. 607-226-4220 Coventry.
Norwich Pennysaver

FIREWOOD, SEASONED split $300 per cord; green split $240 per cord, stacking available; Call Fancher's Firewood and Tree Service 518-231-1066.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FREE FIREWOOD. Some still standing. Ash/cherry. Not easy to get to. Clean up mess. Outside Village Canajoharie, NY. 518-258-8389 Dan.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

WUST FIREWOOD $250 A LOAD. 3 face cord minimum. Delivery within 15-20 miles, 607-965-0609.

Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

FOR SALE: 3-point hitch wood splitter, needs hoses. $425. Call or leave message. 315-858-9634.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

Free firewood. Some still standing. Ash/cherry. Not easy to get to. clean up mess. Outside Village Canajoharie,NY. 518-258-8389. Dan
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD $60. pick-up, $70. delivered. Call 607-221-1539.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

FIREWOOD GREEN FIREWOOD for next year's burning season. $65/facecord. Free local delivery. Please call or text 315-360-0997.

Turnpike Pennysaver

HARDWOOD SLAB Chunks 13-14 face cords per load, cut to any length. Currently cutting Maple & Ash. Call for pricing, delivery available. Ron 607-226-4835.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

M.T.D. SNOW BLOWER 2-stage, 12 hp, 5 speed, 2 reverse, works well, $175 or best offer. Call Pete at 607-610-4006.
Norwich Pennysaver

5.5 HP YARDMAN snowblower, works good $150. 607-847-5013 (New Berlin).
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

For Sale: Bobcat, skidsteer, 7 foot wide, hydraulic snowblade. Like new. $3375. Negotiable. Call or leave message. (315) 858-9634.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

TROY-BILT SNOW BLOWER 24" open front, asking $350. 607-764-8283.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FOR SALE: Bobcat, skid steer, 7 foot wide, hydraulic snowblade. Like new. $3,375. Negotiable. Call or leave message. 315-858-9634.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FREE SMALL snowblower, brand new in box, good for sidewalks, etc. 518-993-4314.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper