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Middleburgh Library - 3/8 - 10:00 AM - Cat in the Hat Storytime - Join Barbara Lukas from WMHT for story and crafts and a meet & greet with the Cat in the Hat himself. Registration is required.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
Middleburgh Library - 3/1 - 2:00 PM - Puzzlemania Puzzle Competition - Teams will race against the clock to put together a 500-piece puzzle. Registration is required. For ages 12 and up
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
Middleburgh Library - 2/25 - 10:45 AM. - Drop-in Storytime - Join Miss Terry for this fun, interactive storytime geared toward little ones ages 0-5 and their caregivers!
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
Middleburgh Library 2/25- 1:00-4:00 PM - Mahjong - Join the ladies for games of Mahjong. If you don't know how to play, they will help you. Men are welcome also.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
ASH WEDNESDAY Service, Wednesday, March 5, 7pm. All are welcome! Church of Christ Uniting, 22 Church Street, Richfield Springs.
Turnpike Pennysaver
LEAFY DOME hunting blind, still in box $50; 315-858-7043.
Turnpike Pennysaver
TWO WATER BATH canners $30 for all 315-858-7043.
Turnpike Pennysaver
PROPANE TURKEY fryer, never used $99; 315-858-7043.
Turnpike Pennysaver
OILLESS ELECTRIC turkey fryer, used once $75. Contact 315-858-7043
Turnpike Pennysaver
SENIOR CITZENS! Get in shape again! Specially designed equipment perfect for seniors along with guidance from a personal trainer. Free trial sessions. Call 607-244-1889.
Norwich Pennysaver
CROSBY HOME IMPROVEMENT CROSBY HOME IMPROVEMENT (licensed & insured) Specialized in: Kitchen & Bathroom, Carpentry, Tiling, Plumbing, Painting, Electrical, Flooring, Remodeling, etc. Email: Telephone 347-603-3046 or 347-535-7353. Always give thanks.
Norwich Pennysaver
PUPPY FREE to good home. German Shepherd mix. 5 months old. 607-316-5143.
Norwich Pennysaver
SNB LIBRARY BOARD will meet February 25 at 5:45 pm, 3320 State Highway 8, South New Berlin. Public welcome. 607-859-2420.
Norwich Pennysaver
WOMEN'S DRYSHOD Boots, Barnstable comfort range (-10 to 75), 14" high, never worn in barn. size 10-10.5 $35; Contact 607-829-3340.
Norwich Pennysaver
MEN'S COWBOY BOOTS, double H, 14W made in USA, light brown. Lots of stitching, good shape. $50. 607-829-3340.
Norwich Pennysaver
WOMEN'S DANSKO brown leather, size 41 wide $20. Call 607-829-3340.
Norwich Pennysaver
TWO TRUCK tires 215/85/R16 $50 for both 607-967-3592.
Norwich Pennysaver
4 big totes of fabric: .10- $1.00 a yard. new zippers 10 cents each. Trims & laces: .10-.25 yard. 607-334-8611
Norwich Pennysaver
14 brand new factory lugnuts bought from Ford fits 2013 thru 2021 Ford escape also owners manual all $25.00 607-604-4043
Norwich Pennysaver
7 different seasons of the waltons on dvd 30 disc total mostly played 1 time no scratches 30.00 obo 607-604-4043
Norwich Pennysaver
Brand new fram 2x airfilter fits chevy traverse and leather steering wheel cover with Chevy emblem both for $20.00 607-604-4043
Norwich Pennysaver
Four Disney plates,winnie the poo, tigger, egor, on four different seasons,4 wooden plate holders,alot of miscellanous dishes all $15.00 607-604-4043
Norwich Pennysaver
America’s Country Schools National Trust Book New Condition $35 Barn Books also text or phone 646-956-8616
Norwich Pennysaver
Gardening Landscaping Books Habitat Designs Rural Suburban & Traditional Gardening New Condition $10 text or phone 646-956-8616
Norwich Pennysaver
Official Disney Blanket Large Full Roll Up for home or trailer. Mickey Mouse, Navy New Condition $40. text phone 646-956-8616
Norwich Pennysaver
Celluloid Safari Animals Old Vintage Lot unused $55 text or phone 646-956-8616
Norwich Pennysaver
2 clarinets with cases. One is a Peate's for $50.00. One is a Vito for $50.00. 607-334-8611
Norwich Pennysaver
Free: 50 years of National Geographics. Take a few or all. 200 plus sewing patterns. .10-.25 cents each. 607-334-8611
Norwich Pennysaver
(4) 215/R17 91W Hankook Ventus S1 noble all weather radial tires. Hardley used. Sold the car. $100.00. 607-334-8611
Norwich Pennysaver
FREE SMALL snowblower, brand new in box, good for sidewalks, etc. 518-993-4314.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
Crosby Home Improvement (licensed & Insured) Specialized in : Kitchen & Bathroom ,Carpentry, Tiling, Pluming, Painting, Electrical, Flooring, Remodeling ETC. Email : Telephone# : (347)603-3046 or (347)5357353 Always Give Thanks
Norwich Pennysaver
SNB Library Board will meet 2/25/25 5:45 pm, 3320 State Highway 8, South New Berlin. Public welcome. 607-859-2420
Norwich Pennysaver
Puppy free to good home. German Shepherd mix. 5 mths old. 607-316-5143
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver
AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. Born September 23rd. First shots, dewormed, & health certificate $300; Purebred medium Poodle puppies, four months old, first shots, dewormed & health certificate $150. 607-435-5483.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper
IRRESISTIBLE CUTE and cuddly Labradoodle puppies. Ready for a new forever home. Born December 2nd $400. Adorable and affectionate Golden Retriever puppies November 27th $500. Shots & de-wormed. 607-435-5483 Bainbridge
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper
FREE to good home! Adorable 1 year old hound mix. Moving, can't take her. 607-405-9257 text for pics and details.
Norwich Pennysaver
METAL LANTERNS, indoor/outdoor, 8"x3.5"x3.5", color changing pillar candle with remote, 3AAA batteries. Lightly used indoors. Glass panes, $10 each, $35 for all. 607-334-7693.
Norwich Pennysaver
PAUL REVERE Korea 94-C stainless steel copper-bottom whistling tea kettle. Very good condition. $15. 607-334-7693.
Norwich Pennysaver
PEDESTAL STAND with drawer for front load washer/dryer. White. $35. 315-858-2536.
Turnpike Pennysaver
VTG HISTORIC RAILROAD beer mug heavy glass Delaware & Ulster Route of the Red Heifer Catskill Scenic Trail; $40, perfect. 607-865-8777.
Norwich Pennysaver
4 PRECIOUS MOMENTS books, perfect condition. Gift celebration meditation praise inspiration, $20. 607-865-8777.
Norwich Pennysaver
WINDOW GREENHOUSE wood & acrylic or sunny lounge area for small pets/reptile oasis. 33Lx14Hx8D collectible display window $30. 607-865-8777.
Norwich Pennysaver
75" TV ENTERTAINMENT center with tempered glass storage cabinets. Dark brown, new boxed MSRP $350. 70W x 25H, 17D. $100. 607-865-8777.
Norwich Pennysaver
FREE TWIN SIZE box springs and mattress with bed frame. Call 607-336-5188.
Norwich Pennysaver
FREE FIREWOOD. Some still standing. Ash/cherry. Not easy to get to. Clean up mess. Outside Village Canajoharie, NY. 518-258-8389 Dan.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
1ST CUTTING HAY 4x5 round bales outside $10 per bale. Grassy 2nd cutting 4x5 bales under cover $40 per bale, no trucking, 607-547-5804.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper
PAIR OF 225/65/R17 Nokian winter studded tires, like new only 500 miles on them, $325 for pair 518-312-7815 Worcester.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper
3 MONTH OLD Shiba-Inu Poodle mix puppies. 2 black, 3 brown. $100. 1 1/2 year old Shiba-Inu poodle male, free. 531 Elwood Road, Fort Plain, NY 13339. 518-993-2118.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
The Carlisle Fire Department is holding a fundraiser dinner on March 1 from 4 -7 pm or sold out at the fire hall at 2417 Rt. 20, Carlisle. Choice of Chicken Parmesan OR Spaghetti and Meatball dinners for $15.00. Eat in or take/out. Limited tickets and presale is encouraged. For tickets, see any member or call Peter on (603) 831-4901.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper
VtgHistoric Railroad Beer Mug Heavy Glass Delaware & Ulster Route of the Red Heifer Catskill Scenic Trail. $40 Perfect 607-865-8777
Turnpike Pennysaver